Provides up to the minute traffic and transit information for pennsylvania. View the real time traffic map with travel times, traffic accident details, traffic cameras and other road conditions. The pennsylvania turnpike commission advises motorists traveling northbound on the northeast extension (interstate 476) that there is a closure between mahoning valley. Eyewitness traffic (wbre/wyou) multiple sections of the pennsylvania turnpike are closed or impacted by restrictions due to crashes tuesday afternoon. We partner with 511pa to help keep pa turnpike travelers safe.
Pennsylvania turnpike current traffic conditions, exit/junction traffic info and major city traffic near pennsylvania turnpike. The pennsylvania department of transportation (penndot) and pennsylvania turnpike commission (ptc) are advising drivers to avoid unnecessary travel during the. Informed travel is safer travel. Events that are currently impacting pa turnpike travel are listed below. These include active crashes, construction, and other isolated occurrences. 511pa is a statewide travel information service providing a complete listing of possible traffic, construction, weather and transit delays to travelers. For more information visit 511pa.
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