The Copypasta That Broke The Internet (You Won't Believe It!)

The Copypasta That Broke The Internet (You Won't Believe It!)

A copypasta is a long block of text that is copied and pasted on social media and message boards all over the internet. They are fun and popular in many meme communities. All of my copypasta that i stole from online. (silly) i couldn't even sob to this! I blew my brains out immediately!clean up aisle.

A copypasta is a long block of text that is copied and pasted on social media and message boards all over the internet. They are fun and popular in many meme communities. All of my copypasta that i stole from online. (silly) i couldn't even sob to this! I blew my brains out immediately!clean up aisle.

Reacting to mrbeasts insane challenge! Youre a human meme. You really do believe youre on this higher plane or intelligence. The rooms curious and i know you wont answer honestly (dodge and say. I outsmarted you, nitwit. In conclusion, i am posting this to the community known as r/wooooosh to claim my internet points in your embarrassment. Copypasta refers to blocks of text that get copied and pasted over and over across the internet as a form of meme or inside joke. Though completely meaningless and absurd to. In this comprehensive deep dive, ill leverage my insider knowledge to explore 50+ of the most popular cursed, funny, and noteworthy copypastas in circulation today. In this article, well delve into the annals of online history to unveil some of the best copypasta of all time. One of the most famous copypasta, the navy.

One of the most famous copypasta, the navy.

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Copypasta troll asserts dominance : confidentlyincorrect
New copypasta just dropped : r/AnarchyChess
Thank you r/copypasta for this enlightening information : ComedyNecrophilia